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The Swiss have a vocation for peace, for defense and civil protection, that does not mean that they are not true warriors. It was a powerful army in its time, and Sun Tzu used to say that being invincible is a matter of defense; That is why using a Swiss design is to guarantee the protection of the families of Mexico from current and future events. The world has changed, history is long, the chain of events is unfortunate, and family protection must be taken very seriously, in the current and generational context.

​In Switzerland it is a legal mandate that every Swiss has a place inside a civilian anti-atomic shelter. The law since 1971 provides that every Swiss must have effective protection, both for classical bombs and for atomic, chemical and bacteriological, and in addition, these mandatory constructions also protect against earthquakes, landslides and avalanches.

A 2006 census indicated that in Switzerland there were 300,000 shelters distributed between houses, schools and hospitals, to which are added 5,100 public shelters. The sum of all its capacities is equivalent to 8.6 million available positions. That is, 100% and more of the population. There is a saying: If the planet suffered a nuclear catastrophe, certain insects, the governments of some countries and the entire population of Switzerland would survive.

Photo: Swiss shelter blast door, source ANDAIR

Every year, on the first Wednesday of February, all Swiss cities, for one hour, sound their bombing warning sirens. The streets of Zurich or Bern live a retrospective trip to 1942-1945, to recall Switzerland’s aversion to war, to give a reminder of neutrality and at the same time of strength, they, the Swiss, have a place to protect themselves. My question is, why don’t you and me?

Photo: Siren system in Zurich, source

Photo: Access to the Des Vollandes Refuge, now a winter shelter. Source The Country

Many Swiss use their bunker as a vault, in a country where violence is minimal and robbery too, they know that times have changed and many houses on vacation are emptied at ease by thieves who take advantage of empty subdivisions with their residents vacationing. Today their refuges are vaults, with CCTV systems, doors with digital and fingerprint locks that protect them from present and daily threats, but also from future and truly extreme threats.

Our proposal is precisely that, based on the contemporary Swiss; provide Mexican families with current shelters that will be used by generations.

The COVID-19 crisis accelerated the launch of our initiative, a few years ago in Mexico critical situations were seen as something remote, exaggerated, unfeasible to sell. Today it is clear, the hashtag #stayhome has been overwhelming worldwide, the only form of defense is to protect yourself, separate yourself and protect yourself, and in the face of an attack it will be the same, no government can guarantee our protection one by one.

The story continues, but now we can offer a SWISS-style refuge for Mexican families. And we are not a security company, we are an initiative of “Defense and Protection Engineering” and our goal is to use our experience of dozens of years as a tool so that YOUR FAMILY PREVAILS for generations.