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Adapting and imposing ourselves on change is part of the actions to prevail that SBMX promotes, we live in a unique moment where those of us who build new ways of living can prevail.
We live in a VUCA environment, that is, we move in it as individuals, social groups or organizations. Today is characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. This concept was forged 2 decades ago in the theater of war by North American soldiers and responds to the acronym: Volatility (V), Uncertainty (U), Complexity (C) and Ambiguity (A).
Today, and certainly in the future at any time, we are forced to adapt to the continuous changes that attack our personal, social, professional routine, including any monthly or annual strategy. The VUCA environment is present today more than ever in countless sectors including professionals related to services, industry, technology; Technological advances in the internet or telecommunications have accelerated for at least 5 years in recent months since COVID-19.
V.U.C.A. was already a reality for certain groups or individuals, today it is for every being on this planet. It forces us to prepare ourselves and to give resources and options to our family so that “in the face of everything that may happen, they prevail”
The US Army War College mentioned it for the first time in 1992, and it referred to its attributes based on four contexts that they anticipated would act at the same time, and that today are acting together in the present, and are palpable in each social group as never before. had happened before in modern history:
VOLATILE, refers to a very fragile world, national and even regional peace.
UNCERTAIN (uncertainty), now more than in all history, it is not possible to predict the future.
COMPLEX, refers to the high interconnection of organizations, governments and industries that affects everyone equally.
AMBIGUOUS, refers to the fact that every situation produces global confusion and different interpretations that can be catastrophic.
Being prepared for a VUCA WORLD is being within a conceptual framework that is imposed on the future from the present.
V. U. C. A.
Volatility │ Uncertainty │ Complexity │ Ambiguity

“Preparation is the best confidence builder”
  Vince Lombardi (1913 – 1970)
NFL coach
Hall of Fame 1971